Turkey / Mersin - Free Zone +905 313 135278 info@avicennalaba.net


Turkey / Mersin - Free Zone

Phone no.

+903 243 280006

+905 313 135278

+905 319 623755

E-mail Address


About us

who are we?

Veterinary medicines industries in the world has seen a remarkable development in the last ten years. Turkish medications has spread in most Middle Eastern countries and Africa very quickly because of the good reputation and reliability that have gained.

We in Avicenna Labs have a role in the development of veterinary medicines, especially medicines that are necessary for domestic animals. Our company was founded in 2013. It was one of the first veterinary pharmaceutical companies in the Turkish state of Mersin and the development is still going on through our interest in several points which can be summarized as follows:

The fact that we are working in the field of veterinary medicine industry, we take care of the safety of the health aspect for our products through the permanent follow-up with the global development of the industry and the results of modern scientific research and medical conferences. Also, drawing conclusions through our quality control laboratory to adjust our product to live up to the global veterinary industry level in Turkey.

Animals including the house animals infected with the disease that may destroy their lives.
If you do not hurry to address them up including bacterial, fungal, filterable viruses, and external and internal parasites.
These diseases affect the performance of animal in terms of activity, breeding, natural life cycle. Also, taking care of domestic animal does not mean providing food and shelter, but also to give appropriate and effective treatment without side effects or harm to the health of the animals.

The animal health care is our goal in the Avicenna Labs and we hope that costumers who use our products to contact us and give their feedback and to clarify the best way how to use the medicine. Our products include medicine for cows, cattle,  birds, cats, dogs, parrots and pigeons.

We also at Avicenna Labs continue to search for products that are globally popular and study the possibility of producing it locally with the same quality and better price.
We are in the Avicenna Labs working on producing a variety of veterinary products such as: vitamins, minerals, and Antibiotics especially for cattle and horses as well as anti-inflammatory for domestic animals, cats, dogs, and birds.

In the end, Avicenna Labs keeps seeking to be a good representative for the veterinary medicines manufacturers in Turkey by continuing its work to keep up with the pace of searching and developing new opportunities...